Not going to lie – since I started blogging a year and a half ago, this is the very first post that I’ve ever had writer’s block for. 2018 has been the biggest roller coaster year of my life and I get a little emotional reflecting back on everything that has happened this past year. When I started my blog, I knew that I’d be sharing a piece of my life publicly.. the piece that I chose to share. It’s easy to post about my outfits, sales, makeup, recipes, etc. but I very rarely share anything personal. I’ve always been a pretty reserved person and starting this blog was way out of my comfort zone, but looking back, it’s been one of the best things I’ve ever done.
Over the last few months especially, something I’ve noticed is that my readers want to see more than my life on Instagram – which is still a little weird to me (like, me? I’m not that interesting!) so one of my main goals for 2019 is to share more of my personal life with you all. I know I say it all the time, but Instagram is just a highlight reel, and although I would never in a million years consider my Instagram appearance to be perfect – my real life is way way less perfect haha.
With that said – here are a few (personal & professional) highs and lows of 2018:
January: I sold my old house (I owned with an ex) and bought a new house. I managed the entire selling process from start to finish by myself, which is A LOT of work (and money!) Buying a house is way easier than selling – but I was lucky enough to do both in less than 2 months total. It was the best fresh start to 2018!
May: I traveled to Cabo for a full week and it was the best/much needed vacation!! I fell in love with creating travel content and plan to do a lot more traveling in 2019!
June: My first “bloggiversary!” I started my blog in June 2017 so this past year was my first full year of blogging. I also started my YouTube channel and uploaded a video of my trip to Cabo! I still don’t really know what I’m doing with YouTube, but I plan to spend more time on that again in 2019.
September: I attended my first New York Fashion Week! This was a dream of mine when I first started my blog, and I still can’t believe that I was invited to some of the events this year. I also got to meet some of my blogger friends in person for the first time, and we had an absolute blast!! I’m already so excited for next year!
Also in September: The lowest point in the year. My 3 year old husky named Kodi unexpectedly went to puppy heaven. For those of you who are wondering, he suffered from epilepsy for most of his life. He was on medication which I believe helped him live longer than he would have otherwise, but there’s only so much that medication can do. He was the absolute light of my world.
November and December: The last two months have by far been the busiest, but also the best! There’s not just one thing to call out, but between spending time with family over the holidays and working with some amazing brands on the blog/IG, it was an overall great end to 2018.
Goals for 2019:
- Get my fitness routine back on track – When my blog started to pick up earlier this year, one of the first things to slip from my daily routine was exercising daily and I miss it so much! This year I really want to try out some group workout classes – I’d love to try Cycle Bar, Orange Theory, Pure Barre, things like that.
- Establish a consistent blog posting schedule – Right now I am juggling a lot of things at once and I’m only able to post on the blog whenever I find time to. This year I plan to set a posting schedule and stick to it so that my readers will always know when to expect a new post on here.
- Travel (a lot) more – Traveling has always been my biggest passion and I will definitely be dedicating more time to it in 2019. Like I mentioned earlier, I fell in love with creating travel content this past year which basically combines my two favorite things.
If you’ve made it this far, thank you so much for reading! If there is one piece of advice I can leave you with, it would be to take action towards going after your goals in 2019. Don’t just think about it – actually do it! And do something every day that will put you closer to living the life that you dream of, because you never know where you could be a year from now. Cheers to 2019!
Shop the Post:
turtleneck sweater // suede mini skirt // tights // heels // similar (more affordable) heels