TGIF!! We are heading out on a super fun trip *bright and early* in the morning, and I am sooo ready for some time in the sun with my husband. I wanted to put together the list of everything I packed for this trip, that way it’s easy to find outfit links while we’re there – I tend to get behind on DM’s when we travel 🙂 And if you have a trip to Cabo or anywhere tropical in the future, you can refer back to this post for some outfit ideas or what to pack! I’ll definitely share an outfit recap post & resort review once we’re back with lots of pictures, but make sure to follow along over on Instagram stories for the fun – I’ll be posting daily!
You can click on any item in the collage below for a direct link to shop, and scroll underneath category for more!
Dresses & Jumpsuits:
Other Clothes I’m Packing:
Cover Ups:
Shoes & Accessories:
Skin Care:
Other Beauty Items:
Luggage & Travel: