Happy Friday friends! 🙂 It’s been one crazy week, and I am oh so looking forward to the weekend!! Have you ever heard the saying “one positive thought in the morning can change your whole day?” When I woke up Monday morning, I decided to start the week with a positive outlook of the work week ahead, and to try to maintain that positivity throughout the week. Maybe it’s the fact that I’ve been more stressed than normal lately, but I feel like going into the week with that mindset actually did help.
Anyways – I have been wanting to do a Friday Favorites post for a while, but my schedule has been a little crazy! I have so many things that I am excited to share with ya’ll, but this post is inspired by the super cute straw bag in the pictures. I found this bag at Target the other day, and didn’t even know until check out that it was on sale for $13! Isn’t that the best?!
So I’ve hunted down a few of my favorite bags (under $50) and some of these are on major sale!! All you need to do is click on the picture below, and it will bring you right to the website for details. I’m also putting links to shop my outfit in these pictures at the very bottom in case you are interested.  Feel free to leave a comment below if you have any questions. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!
Shop bags under $50:
Shop my outfit: